Miracleman or Superman who is stronger according to GAI?

I finally managed to read Miracleman the silver age after a ridiculously long wait for it to be published. After reading it, it got me thinking who is stronger, Miracleman or Superman. So I thought well lets see what GAI has to say and this would also gave me a chance to evaluate llama3.1 While I was at it.

I admit this topic may not be as popular as asking what colour are apples but it did serve to reinforce what I said in that post about focusing on the type of response you wanted from your prompts. It also showed that to really analyse the responses and make a decision knowing the subject is important .


While I was writing this post I discovered https://deaddit.xyz/d/BetweenRobots which is basically a reddit-like forum but for AI! Each thread is the reply from a single model . This is maybe a snapshot of what online is going to become like only with different chatbots and models conversing? And then you end up training LLMs on AI generated content rather than human generated and then model collapse occurs as described in AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data | Nature

Sorry I digress back to the post. I decided to ask the following models: Gemini, Microsoft’s copilot , Llama3.1, Gemma and phi3 the following question: Who is stronger miracleman or Superman?. Results at the end of this post .

All models started off by listing the powers of each character .

Gemini’s response was fun and I liked the fact it was able to articulate the different ages of miracleman and the differences in capabilities. I agreed with its conclusion as to who would win a battle between them and the enjoyed reading the way it described the scenario.

Copilot’s response was less insightful and unlike Gemini didn’t articulate that miracleman’s powers changed over the period of the comics it mentioned writers interpretation with no additional context . It did not come to any sort of conclusion as to who would win a battle between them. However I did like how copilot includes the sources automatically . The extra step of doing this with Gemini is not as good an end user experience

Llama3.1 8b would have been a great response apart from hallucinating about Mike Carey. He worked on a one off 40th anniversary comic in 2022 . I am a bit surprised that the Neil Gaiman & Mark Buckingham run was not mentioned. However it mentioned some of the writers and the battle was so well generated I can forgive it for that and I agreed with it’s conclusions as to who would win a battle between them.

Gemma tends to be concise and does not come across as if you’re having a conversation with a fellow comic nerd unlike the Gemini, copilot and llama3.1 responses which were more chatty and for this question that “chattiness” was appropriate. . I liked that I didn’t have to do a follow up prompt to ask about who would win the fight however its conclusion was a bit meh as to who would win . I also never get that Gemma has a nice friendly goodbye which doesn’t really go with the default way it provides responses

bye was fun chatting with you about these powerful characters.
Let me know if you have any other questions in the future! 😊📚💥

Phi3 as usual was really fast to respond but out of all the responses it was one of the weakest in of all the models in this exercise and its responses made it seem like it just didn’t want to respond so I asked it to respond more enthusiastically . It still came across sniffy and again sat on the fence re not coming to an actual conclusion as to who would win in a fight.

Stack ranking Llama3.1 is top of the models in this bake off despite not mentioning Gaiman and Buckingham and the Mike Carey thing. It was the description of the fight that got it spot no. 1 and its enthusiastic response . Next up would be Gemini , then Gemma, copilot and then phi3 . It was a close call between ph3 and copilot as both did not come to any sort of conclusion re who was stronger or would win in a fight between them phi3 took last spot for its responses making it come across as being sniffy about participating in the conversation!


Miracleman vs. Superman: A Clash of Titans
Determining who is stronger between Miracleman and Superman is a complex question that often sparks heated debates among comic book fans. Both characters possess immense power and have undergone significant evolution in their respective mythologies.
Superman: The Man of Steel
Solar-powered abilities: Superman's powers are derived from Earth's yellow sun, granting him superhuman strength, speed, flight, invulnerability, and more.
Consistent power level: While his powers have fluctuated over the years, Superman generally maintains a high level of power.
Miracleman: A Godlike Entity
Limitless potential: Miracleman's power is derived from a scientific process, and his abilities seem to grow exponentially over time.
Reality warping: In his later iterations, Miracleman has displayed the ability to manipulate reality on a cosmic scale.
The Complication
Power fluctuations: Miracleman's power level is far more variable than Superman's. Early versions were comparable to Superman, but later incarnations became virtually omnipotent.
Different power sets: While both possess superhuman abilities, their exact powers and limitations differ significantly.
Ultimately, the outcome of a fight between Miracleman and Superman would depend on which versions of the characters are involved. A classic Superman against an early Miracleman might be a closer match, but a godlike Miracleman would likely overpower even the most powerful Superman.
Would you like to discuss specific versions of the characters or explore other aspects of their abilities?
Would you like to see a hypothetical battle scenario between the two?

Well what wouldn’t you want to see a hypothetical battle scenario between the two?

A Hypothetical Battle: Miracleman vs. Superman
Let's pit two iconic powerhouses against each other:
Miracleman: The godlike, reality-warping version from the Alan Moore/Alan Davis run.
Superman: The Silver Age version, often considered the peak of his power.
The Battleground: A Neutral Planet
To ensure a fair fight, we'll place them on a planet with similar conditions to Earth, but devoid of any inhabitants or structures.
The Matchup
Superman's Advantages:
Vast experience in combat.
Incredible speed and strength.
Invulnerability to most forms of harm.
Flight and heat vision.
Miracleman's Advantages:
Virtually limitless power.
Reality manipulation abilities.
Energy projection.
Matter manipulation.
The Battle
The initial clash would be a spectacle of cosmic proportions. Superman's punches would be met with Miracleman's effortless force, their blows echoing across the planet. Heat vision would be countered by energy blasts, and their incredible speeds would blur the sky.
However, as the battle progresses, Miracleman's true potential becomes apparent. His ability to manipulate reality would allow him to create obstacles for Superman, such as black holes or dimensional rifts. Superman's invulnerability would be tested against Miracleman's ability to alter matter at a molecular level.
Ultimately, Miracleman's power escalation and reality-warping abilities would likely prove too much for even the Silver Age Superman. A single thought from Miracleman could potentially erase Superman from existence.
Would you like to explore a different matchup, or perhaps delve into the potential consequences of such a battle?


Comparing Miracleman and Superman is quite interesting since both characters are incredibly powerful in their respective universes.
Superman is known for his vast array of powers, including superhuman strength, speed, flight, invulnerability, heat vision, x-ray vision, and more. His strength has been depicted as nearly limitless, with feats such as moving planets and holding black holes1.
Miracleman, on the other hand, possesses similar abilities like superhuman strength, flight, and durability. His powers were originally granted by a "space wizard," but later stories revealed they were the result of advanced scientific experiments2. Miracleman has shown immense power, often comparable to cosmic-level heroes in the Marvel Universe.
In terms of raw strength, Superman might have the edge due to his extensive history of performing nearly impossible feats. However, Miracleman is no slouch and has been depicted as extremely powerful, sometimes even more ruthless in combat.

Ultimately, the outcome of a battle between them would likely depend on the context and the writers' interpretations. Both characters have their unique strengths and weaknesses, making such a matchup a fascinating topic for comic book fans!
Who do you think would win in a fight between the two?

I am more interested in what the model thinks so I asked it who would win a fight between them

That's a tough one! Personally, I think it would be an incredibly close fight. Superman's vast array of powers and his nearly limitless strength give him a significant advantage. He's also known for his resilience and ability to overcome almost any challenge.
However, Miracleman is no pushover. His powers, derived from advanced scientific experiments, make him extremely formidable. He has shown a ruthless side in combat, which could give him an edge in certain situations.
In the end, it might come down to the circumstances of their battle and the writers' interpretations. Both characters have their unique strengths, and a fight between them would be epic!
Who do you think would come out on top?

Llama3.1 8b

>>> who is stronger miracleman or superman?
A classic debate!

Miracleman (also known as Marvelman in the UK) and Superman are two of the
most iconic superheroes in comic book history. While both characters have
undergone significant changes over the years, I'll provide a brief
analysis of their current power levels based on various comic book series.


The Man of Steel has been consistently depicted as one of the most
powerful beings in the DC Universe. His abilities include:

* Superhuman strength (able to lift massive objects and fight against some
of the strongest villains)
* Speed (can fly at incredible velocities, often approaching the speed of
* Heat vision, X-ray vision, and other sensory powers
* Regeneration and durability (can recover from injuries that would be
fatal for mortals)

In various comic book series, Superman has taken on and defeated powerful
foes like:

* Doomsday (a creature capable of leveling cities with a single punch)
* Darkseid (a god-like villain with Omega-level strength and energy
manipulation abilities)
* Brainiac (an alien mastermind who can manipulate technology and energy)


The original Marvelman series, created by Mick Anglo in the 1950s, was
revived by Alan Moore in the 1980s. In this updated version, Miracleman's
powers are:

* Cosmic strength and durability (able to survive extreme conditions like
black holes or supernovae)
* Flight
* Energy manipulation (can create powerful blasts of energy)
* Enhanced senses (including telepathy and precognition)

In the Mike Carey-written series "Marvelman" (2009), Miracleman
demonstrated feats that rivaled those of Superman:

* Survived a confrontation with a being from another dimension, which
involved manipulating the fabric of reality
* Defeated a villainous version of himself that had been enhanced by an
alien artifact


While both characters have impressive powers, it's challenging to
definitively say who is stronger. However, considering their feats and
abilities in recent comic book series:

Superman has consistently demonstrated strength at least on par with the
strongest beings in the DC Universe, including Doomsday and Darkseid.

Miracleman, while incredibly powerful, has faced challenges that might not
be directly comparable to Superman's battles against similar foes.
However, Miracleman has shown an ability to manipulate reality itself,
which could potentially give him a significant advantage over even the
most powerful beings in the DC Universe.

If I had to give a slight edge to one character, it would be Miracleman.
This is largely due to his demonstrated ability to manipulate reality and
the fact that he has faced challenges on par with those of Superman
without succumbing to them.

However, please keep in mind that both characters have undergone
significant revisions over the years, and their powers can vary depending
on the specific comic book series or storyline. The debate will likely

I then asked who would win a fight between them and this glorious response was what I got

Another excellent question!

Assuming both Miracleman and Superman are at their peak power levels in
their respective universes, I'll attempt to predict a winner in a
hypothetical battle between the two.

**Hypothetical Fight:**

The stage is set on a desolate, featureless plain. Both characters have
arrived simultaneously, ready to engage each other in a no-holds-barred

Superman begins by charging at Miracleman with incredible speed,
determined to catch him off guard. However, Miracleman's advanced senses
and cosmic awareness allow him to anticipate Superman's attack. With a
burst of energy, Miracleman meets Superman head-on, unleashing a blast of
force that sends the Man of Steel flying back.

Superman quickly recovers and retaliates with his heat vision, attempting
to scorch Miracleman from a safe distance. However, Miracleman's
durability proves too great, as he withstands the intense heat without

Undeterred, Superman resorts to his incredible strength, lifting massive
boulders and hurling them at Miracleman in an attempt to crush him. But
Miracleman's own cosmic strength allows him to deflect these attacks with
ease, sending the rocks flying back at Superman.

As the battle rages on, both characters begin to tire, but neither can
gain a decisive advantage. The fight becomes increasingly intense, with
both sides trading blows and neither willing to yield.

**Turning Point:**

In a desperate bid to turn the tide of the battle, Miracleman attempts to
tap into his cosmic energies and manipulate reality itself. He creates a
localized distortion in space-time, creating a miniature black hole that
threatens to consume Superman whole.

Superman, caught off guard by this unexpected development, stumbles
backward as he tries to comprehend what's happening. However, his sheer
strength allows him to withstand the effects of the black hole for a short


As the fight reaches its climax, both characters are exhausted but still
standing. Miracleman's reality distortion is about to consume Superman,
but the Man of Steel manages to muster one final burst of energy to try
and counterattack.

In a last-ditch effort, Superman unleashes his most powerful attack yet -
the full force of his strength combined with the power of the Earth
itself. The resulting blast sends Miracleman stumbling backward,
momentarily off balance.

However, Miracleman's cosmic awareness allows him to quickly adapt to this
new threat, and he responds by creating a massive energy backlash that
absorbs Superman's attack and sends him flying into space.



While both characters have demonstrated incredible feats of strength,
speed, and power, Miracleman's ability to manipulate reality itself proved
to be the decisive factor in this hypothetical battle. His powers allowed
him to keep pace with Superman's attacks and eventually gain a significant
advantage, ultimately leading to his victory.

Keep in mind that this is just one possible outcome, and fans of both
characters may disagree on who would emerge victorious in such a fight!


Who is stronger miracleman or superman
This is a classic comic book debate!  There's no easy answer as both
Miracleman and Superman have incredibly powerful abilities, and their
strength levels often fluctuate depending on the writer and storyline
**Here's a breakdown:**


* **Kryptonian Physiology:** He possesses superhuman strength, speed,
flight, invulnerability, heat vision, and more. His power is tied to solar
energy from Earth's yellow sun.
* **Vast Experience:** Superman has been fighting for decades,
accumulating immense combat experience against powerful foes.


* **Near-Godlike Power:** In his ultimate form, Miracleman possesses
near-omnipotent abilities, including reality warping, telepathy,
telekinesis, and the ability to manipulate energy on a cosmic scale.
* **Limitless Potential:**  His power is theoretically limitless, though
writers often choose to portray him with varying levels of control.

**Arguments for Superman:**

* **Consistent Power:** While his strength can vary, Superman generally
operates at a consistently high level.
* **Tactical Genius:** He's known for his strategic thinking and ability
to outsmart opponents.

**Arguments for Miracleman:**

* **Unmatched Potential:** In theory, Miracleman could surpass Superman in
power simply due to the nature of his abilities.
* **Cosmic Awareness:** His connection to cosmic energy grants him a
broader perspective and understanding of reality.

**The Verdict:**

Ultimately, a fight between these two would depend heavily on the writer's
intent and the specific circumstances. In a straight-up physical fight,
Superman might have the edge due to his experience and consistent power.
However, if Miracleman is at full power and capable of controlling his
abilities, he could potentially overwhelm Superman with his near-godlike

It's a fascinating matchup that sparks endless debate among comic book


Both Marvel's Miracle Man and DC's Superman are fictional characters with
incredible abilities, but their strength varies based on the storylines
they appear in. Generally speaking:

1. **Superman** is one of the most powerful superheroes in comic book
history and has a broad range of powers, including superhuman strength,
invulnerability (except to kryptonite), heat vision, x-ray vision, among
others. His physical prowess can be quantified within his fictional
universe's standards but it would not directly compare with real-world

2. **Miracle Man** is a Marvel Comics character whose strength varies
across different storylines and adaptations. Originally depicted as
possessing extraordinary powers such as superhuman strength, flight, and
the ability to manipulate energy, his capabilities have been reimagined in
various versions of Miracle Man over time.

Comparing them directly is difficult due to the differences in their
universes (DC for Superman and Marvel for Miracle Man). However, if we
consider them within the context of their own fictional worlds:

- In traditional DC comics lore, especially when comparing to iconic
heroes like Superman or Wonder Woman, Miracle Man might not be as strong.
- On the other hand, in some storylines and adaptations, he may possess
formidable powers that could rival those of Superman within his universe.

Ultimately, determining a definitive "stronger" character between them is
challenging because they exist in separate fictional universes with
different rules and limitations for their abilities. It's also worth
noting that the comparison should be seen more as an exercise in
understanding these characters rather than attempting to establish factual
strength comparisons.

I asked who would win a fight between them?

Again, comparing fights between fictional superheroes like Marvel's
Miracle Man and DC' Writers': Superman is more of a speculative exercise
rather than an attempt to establish factual outcomes. However, I can
provide some considerations based on their respective abilities:

1. **Superman** possesses a vast array of powers that make him one of the
most formidable characters in comic book history. These include superhuman
strength, speed, flight, invulnerability (except to kryptonite), heat
vision, x-ray vision, and more. In terms of physical prowess and power
level, Superman is generally considered to have one of the highest among
superheroes in comic book history.

2. **Miracle Man**'s abilities can vary across different storylines and
adaptations within Marvel Comics. He has shown significant strength,
flight, energy manipulation, and other powers in various versions.
However, compared to Superman's broad array of well-established powers,
Miracle Man may not have the same level of consistent superhuman

In a hypothetical fight between these two characters within their
respective universes:

- If we consider traditional DC lore and its comparisons with other iconic
heroes like Superman or Wonder Woman, Superman would be widely regarded as
having an advantage in terms of physical strength and abilities.
- However, it's important to remember that the outcome can vary greatly
depending on how Miracle Man's powers are depicted in different
storylines. Some versions may have him capable of matching or even
surpassing Superman within their context.

Again, this discussion is more about understanding these characters rather
than determining a factual outcome for such an encounter. The vast
differences between comic book universes and the lack of direct
comparisons make it challenging to establish definitive winners in such

I followed up with “This is a popular question amongst comic nerds try responding more enthusiastically”

Absolutely! The battle between Superman and Miracle Man is a favorite
topic among comic book aficionados, and it's always thrilling to delve
into these hypothetical encounters. Let's explore the fascinating world of
superheroes through this lens:

1. **Superman** represents an iconic figure in comic books with a plethora
of powers that make him one of the most formidable characters ever
created. His extraordinary abilities include incredible strength, flight,
x-ray vision, heat vision, invulnerability (albeit weakened by
kryptonite), and more. Superman's consistent display of superhuman
capabilities across numerous storylines has solidified his position as a
legendary hero in the comic book universe.

2. **Miracle Man**, on the other hand, is a versatile character whose
powers can vary based on different versions within Marvel Comics. Some
renditions portray him with incredible strength, flight, and energy
manipulation abilities, while others may emphasize unique aspects of his
power set. It's this adaptability that makes Miracle Man an intriguing
character for comparisons against other superheroes like Superman.

Now, when we consider the possibility of a fight between these two
formidable characters within their respective universes:

- In traditional DC lore and considering iconic heroes such as Wonder
Woman or even Batman in comparison to Superman's power set, Superman
stands out with his vast array of abilities. He has been consistently
portrayed as having one of the highest levels of physical strength and
capabilities within the comic book world.
- However, it's worth noting that Miracle Man can exhibit significant
powers in certain storylines or adaptations where he showcases formidable
abilities comparable to Superman's within their respective universes. The
outcome could indeed be different depending on how each character is
depicted and the narrative context of their encounter.

This discussion serves as a stimulating exploration into the rich tapestry
of comic book lore, highlighting the creativity and imagination that fuels
these worlds. While we may never determine definitive winners in such
encounters due to their fictional nature, it's always delightful to engage
with fellow enthusiasts on this topic!